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Logo designed by Suzanne Beer










Joseph Beer

 List of Compositions

Early Works
Engraved/Published Individual Arias
(Piano-Vocal Score of Orchestral Score Format)

Compositional Style

Early Works




Performance Notes / Comments

Material Available

ca. 1922

Orchestration of Brahms' Ballads for piano




ca. 1930-1932

Corelli Variations for Violin and Clarinet




ca. 1930-1932

Sonata for Cello and Clarinet




ca. 1930-1932

Oboe & Clarinet Chamber Piece




ca. 1930-1932

Waltz Silhouettes

Symphonic Ballet



ca. 1930-1932

Triptych: Spiritual, Lullaby, Dance
-- F
symphonisches Jazz

Orchestral Suite for 28 Musicians + Piano & Percussion;
Length: ca. 12 Minutes

"A concert hall sell-out" commented famed Viennese critic Erwin Stein


Recently found in the Universal Edition Archives in Vienna (Austria)

Full orchestral score/parts engraved by






Performance Notes / Comments

Material Available


Der Prinz Von Schiras

Singspiel Opera
in Three Acts and Five Tableaux by Joseph Beer
Libretto & Lyrics by Fritz L�hner-Beda and Ludwig Herzer


Premiered at the Zurich Opera House (then the Z�rich Stadttheater) with international broadcast, and received critical acclaim.


Published by Ricordi-Universal;

A couple of vintage piano/vocal scores remaining & libretto;
orchestral scores/parts recently returned by Ricordi (Munich);
fairly good quality



Polnische Hochzeit
(Click here for Synopsis)

Singspiel Opera in Three Acts with a Prologue by Joseph Beer.
Libretto and Lyrics by Fritz L�hner-Beda and Alfred Gr�nwald


Also premiered at the Zurich Opera House in 1937. It was subsequently performed on over 40 stages throughout Europe and translated in 8 languages, sometimes bearing, as in Finland, the alternative title of Masurkka.

English translation in preparation..



Nadel und Swirn

Singspiel Opera - an "Urban Legend� in Eight Tableaux by Joseph Beer.
Libretto & Lyrics by Paul Frank and Fritz L�hner-Beda

Newly found

Libretto recently found at the Zentralbibliothek Z�rich. Piano/vocal scores and orchestral scores/parts still to be located.



Ave Maria

Cantata for Soloists, Mixed Choir and Organ

Premiered at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Nice, France featuring famed Austrian Soprano Lotte Sch�ne and renowned Tenor Enso Seri.




Stradella in Venedig
(Click here for Synopsis)

Commedia dell' Arte Opera in Seven Tableaux and an Interlude.

Music, Libretto & Lyrics By Joseph Beer.

Premiered at the Zurich Opera House. The opera was critically acclaimed - mentioned by Kurt Pahlen in his World Music History (M�nchen, S�dwest Verlag) as "�a comic opera of the highest sort."

piano/vocal score; libretto;
full orchestral scores/parts available;
good quality




ca. 1977

La Polonaise

Singspiel Opera in Three Acts, Five Tableaux and a Prologue. Music and Libretto by Joseph Beer.

Unpublished, never performed on the operatic stage.

piano/vocal score; libretto;
full orchestral scores.



ca. 1987


Singspiel Opera
in Five Tableaux, Two Interludes and a Prologue.
Music and Libretto by Joseph Beer.

Unpublished, never performed on the operatic stage.

piano/vocal score;
full orchestral scores.






Engraved / Published Individual Arias
(Piano-Vocal or Orchestral Score Format)


Weit Draussen Im Sonnenglanz

Stradella in Venedig

Aria for Soprano
(1st Tableau)

Fliegt Tauben Weit Zum Meer

Stradella in Venedig

Aria for Bass-Baritone
(4th Tableau)



La Polonaise

Aria for Soprano
(Act I, 3rd Tableau)



La Polonaise

Orchestral piece (Ballet)
(Act III, 5th Tableau)


Schwarze Rappen


Aria for Bass-Baritone (Act II)


Wenn Die M�dels Zur Mazurka Geh�n

Polnishe Hochzeit

Aria for Soprano
(Act I, No. 2)



Polnishe Hochzeit

Aria for Tenor
(Act I, No. 4)


Schenk Mir Das Himmelreich

Polnishe Hochzeit

Aria for Soprano
(Act I, No. 5)


Du Bist Meine Grosse Liebe (� Toi Beaut� Que J'Adore)


Polnishe Hochzeit

Aria for Tenor (Act II, No. 10)

WM Ellis Publishers-Paris (France) 2010
for performance by the Orchestre Pasdeloup at the Th��tre du Ch�telet on January 23, 2010



Polnishe Hochzeit

Duet for Mezzo-Soprano & Baritone (Act II, No. 11)


Compositional Style


Joseph Beer�s inspiration can be can be said to be tri-fold in nature: Slavic (Russian/Polish) with Tchaikovsky, Chopin and Scriabin among others, the Viennese School/German (mainly Brahms and Beethoven but also Mendelssohn and Mahler) and Italian (mainly Puccini.)

Despite his living in France for more than half of his life, the only French composers whose influence can be heard are Ravel mainly, and also Bizet at times.

Traces of jazz and Klezmer and sundry folk influences can also be detected in Beer�s oeuvre, as the composer believed, along with some of his predecessors such as Brahms, Mahler etc., that in order to be a bona fide classical composer, a musician must first be thoroughly acquainted with the popular level of his musical roots and heritage.


Three periods of compositional inspiration, style and technique emerge from Beer�s works:

1- Youth/Viennese Period: influenced by the Viennese operetta genre in some sense, yet, as Beer�s composition teacher and mentor Josef Marx himself wrote, going far beyond it through the complexity, depth and wealth of compositional genius and technique.

Works are churned out in a few weeks by an overly gifted, carefree youth who has been composing since age 7 (starting off by attempting to invent his own musical notation system!!) and to whom the art form comes as easy as reading a newspaper!

  • Main works of this period are Der Prinz von Schiras and Polnische Hochzeit.

2- War/in Hiding Period: A total shift of inspiration and technique, with further depthening of the intricacy and sophistication of the compositional style and technique.

  • Main work: Stradella in Venedig, entitled �Komische Oper� by the composer himself (and reviewed as a �Comic Opera of the highest sort� by the noted Swiss musicologist Kurt Pahlen among others.)

3- Post-War Maturity Period: Another total overhauling of compositional technique where the great composer is in full mastery of his art and puts forth timeless melodies set to lush, idiosyncratic harmonies, and totally innovative and masterful orchestration.

  • Main works: La Polonaise and Mitternachtssonne -- composed and finetuned over decades and entitled �Singspiel Oper� by the composer -- unpublished.


Beer�s operas are characterized by exquisite, gorgeous and unique arias which remain in the ear -- albeit always surprising the listener -- set to lush and innovative harmony. They include pieces which are effervescently rhythmical, at times, even jazzy.

Altogether, while stemming from the grand romantic tradition, Beer�s style reflects decidedly modernistic influences as well, while being utterly idiosyncratic and bearing its own griffe.

In sum, the oeuvre reveals a level of inspired craftsmanship which is truly innovative and unique. It can be easily recognized and set apart from all others, revealing the brilliant work of one of the leading composing masters of the 20th Century.

Orchestral Score Page Sample Excerpted from Joseph Beer's Singspiel Opera Mitternachtssonne

Polnische Hochzeit

A Singspiel Opera in Three Acts with a Prologue

 Music by

Joseph Beer

Libretto & Lyrics by

Fritz L�hner-Beda and Alfred Gr�nwald

Background Highlights & Synopsis

Background Highlights

   Composed in but a few weeks by a youth in his mid twenties, Polnische Hochzeit, published by a branch of Universal Edition, Wiener Operetten Verlag, premiered on April 3, 1937 at the Zurich Opera House.

   During the 11 months following its premiere, it was performed internationally on over 40 stages and translated into 8 languages, sometimes bearing, as in Finland, the alternative title of Masurkka.

   In 1938, Maurice Lehmann, then director of the Th��tre du Ch�telet, scheduled it for a French premiere starring Jan Kiepura and Marta Eggerth. Simultaneously, tenor superstar Richard Tauber was slated to be featured in a high profile Viennese production.

   Published by the Stockholm-based Arvid Englind Publishing Co., the opera continued to be performed with tremendous success in Scandanavia from 1939 until 2000 despite the composer�s lack of cooperation (please see www.JosephBeerComposer.com for further detail.)

   With the advent of the Anschluss March of 1938, the name of the �Jew Beer� was taken off the roster of the Theater an der Wien among others. With his life at stake, the composer had to flee Vienna, and all plans of performing Polnische Hochzeit were hence abruptly and permanently ended.

  Presently under contract with the major European publisher and revived in Vienna (2012) and Germany (2013.)

 A major German premiere/live CD recording with the famed Munich Radio Orchestra and soloists along with the chorus from the renowned Grtnerplatz Theatre -- under the baton of Maestro Ulf Schirmer of the Leipzig Opera -- with live broadcast by the Bayerischer Rundfunk, Germany national classical radio -- was released by the exclusive German classic label CPO in October 2016.

Dramatis Personae

 �   Jadja, Lyric/Spinto Soprano----------------------------------------Baron�s Daughter*
Count Staschek Zagorsky, Bass Baritone------------------Wealthy Landowner
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(per Joseph Beer's assessment of the character, �Half-Falstaff/Half Bluebeard�)

Count Boleslav Zagorsky Full Lyric/Spinto Tenor-----Count�s Nephew
Suza, Mezzo-Soprano---------------------------------------------Baron�s Estate Administrator
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------(aka the �Wild Cat� per Joseph Beer)

Casimir von Kawietzky, Lyric Baritone---------------------Baron�s Nephew
   Baron Mietek Oginsky, Lyric Baritone----------------------Indebted Landowner
Stani, Soprano & Stasi, Bass Baritone-----------------------Baron Oginsky's Servants
Sergius Korrosoff, Bass Baritone------------------------------Captain of the Russian police
Spoken Roles: ---------------------------------------------------------- A General, Mazurkiewitsch (a businessman), Wladek (landlord), Zdenka (Wladek�s daughter)
Also available transposed for Lyric Coloratura Soprano

(Adapted from the Composer's Own Synopsis)

Polnische Hochzeit is a joyous, entertaining folk tale with romantic overtones but no sentimentality. A comic character and a witty servant play the main roles, while the romantic leads are given the gorgeous, lush arias. Replete with a couple of coups de th��tre and ballets, this action-filled singspiel opera is a feast both for the ears and for the eyes.

The action takes place during the Polish war of independence from Russian occupation in the early 1800�s.

Prologue � Austro-Russian Border

Young Polish freedom fighter Count Boleslav crosses the border under the guise of a servant. He is returning to his homeland after many years in exile to marry his childhood sweetheart, Jadja, and to take possession of his paternal inheritance, presently administered by his uncle.

 Act I � Count Oginsky�s Castle

The uncle, Count Staschek Zagorsky, is actually an astute, cowardly, part-Falstaff, part-Bluebeard of a man. He has been married five times, but each time, he divorced in favor of a younger woman. Just when Count Boleslav returns, he is about to wed Jadja. Arriving at the castle in disguise, Boleslav makes himself known to Jadja and while serving lunch to his uncle incognito, learns of the latter�s latest wedding plans.

 Finale I

Boleslav reveals himself to his uncle and demands his inheritance, while Jadja rejects the fellow�s marriage proposal. Only when Staschek threatens to expose Boleslav to the Russian police and have him sent to Siberia is Jadja forced to accept� 

Act II � Count Oginsky�s Castle � Reception Hall

Preparations for the wedding are under way. Baron Oginsky�s castle is packed with guests, and the priest has been sent for. But Count Staschek had planned without the Baron�s administrator, Suza, a young bright and energetic woman nicknamed the �Wild Cat.� She is Jadja�s best friend and despises the old lecher. She has made plans for the lovers� escape. Before the wedding ceremony takes place, the young couple is to be taken to safety beyond the border by the castle coachman. A rocket will be the signal of the success of the enterprise. 

Count Staschek, awaiting the ceremony with great anticipation, celebrates the occasion with heavy drinking. All of a sudden, Suza spots through a window the rocket up in the sky. Triumphantly, she announces to the groom that his beautiful young bride is now far away beyond the border with her lover. But Staschek is not a bit disturbed. He had sensed a plot and sent his own coachman after the young couple. Jadja should be brought back to the castle any minute now. Suza�s plan seems doomed� 

Finale II

The wedding starts to the joyous rhythm of Polish traditional dances. The bride is taken to an adjoining room to don her wedding apparel. While the Polish ballet dances a spirited Mazurka, she is lead inside the chapel, her face covered with opaque veils.

When the unfortunate lover, Boleslav, caught in flight, is brought back to the castle, the wedding ceremony has already taken place. The crowds exit the chapel, headed by Count Staschek and his new bride. When he gets ready to give her the first nuptial kiss and raises her veil, he remains speechless: instead of Jadja, he has wed� Suza! 

Act III - Large Room in Count Staschek�s Apartments

Suza has so mistreated her aging husband during their wedding night and in a few subsequent encounters that the poor man is on his knees, ready to accept all her conditions. The two star-crossed lovers are reunited and are given their lawful inheritance. Suza marries her sweetheart, Casimir. The old Staschek finally decides to give up women and to dedicate the rest of his life to� wine! The opera ends with a grand double Polish wedding, lively dancing and exuberant joy.


Stradella In Venedig

A Comic Opera in Seven Tableaux and an Interlude

Music, Libretto & Lyrics By

Joseph Beer

Dramatis Personae

  Alessandro Stradella -- Tenor
Raphaella Bianchi -- Soprano
Doge Contarini -- Baritone
  Countess Giulia -- Soprano
Prinz Achilles von Bibistrello -- Tenor
Cortini & Longhini, the two Comics/Crooks -- Tenor/Baritone
Capitano Lorenzo Carcia Malandrino, Leader of the Sbirri -- Tenor
Herald -- Bass
Chorus -- SATB


Bild I

Crowd scene at the Venetian Jewish ghetto, the Giudecca. Freight is being downloaded onto the docks from incoming ships and sold on the Market. The Doge is among the crowd, masked, watching the beautiful young girls, �Verkaufer, der Tag er wird kommen.� He notices Raphaella and is struck by her beauty. He asks the two Comics Cortini and Longhini about her: she is an orphan on Countess Giulia�s staff. In the meantime, young girls spot a beautiful sail far on the waters. Prince Achilles comes onstage and sings of his love for Giulia in the aria, �Heil�ger Achilles!� Raphaella, spotting the sail on the shimmery waters, sings of her yearning to meet her true love at last, �Weit draussen im Sonnenglanz.�A voice is heard from the boat: Stradella sets foot ashore to the joyous cries of the crowd: �Evviva Stradella!� Stradella expresses his longing to find his true love in the aria, �Zur Sonne kling' empor�. Raphaella is ravished by his beautiful voice and �magic tones, �while a Mask approaches her and gives a bracelet, telling her he will clad her in velour and silk. The Mask exits, leaving Raphaella wondering whether it was Fate�s burning hand which just then grabbed hers, leading her to the �Magic Land�... The Tableau ends as the voice of the gondoliers is heard in the distance. 

Bild II

In Countess Giulia's Boudoir

Giulia awakens and describes her love dream in the aria, �Welch� ein Traum.� While the gondoliers are heard outside singing Stradella�s aria, in comes Achilles who is madly in love with Giulia. In the duo, �Giulia! -- Ihr st�rzt wie ein Blitz vom Himmel,� he asks that the window be shut as he hates Stradella and threatens to prevent him from singing at the Opera, �blood will flow�! He goes on telling Giulia how much he loves her, and how cruel and insensitive she is. She tells him she is about to write a letter to some �Duke� of Naples and that they will see each other at the Opera where the Doge is awaiting them. Achilles is doubtful, as the Doge seems to be involved in a new love affair. In comes Raphaella, who takes her leave of the Countess: the Doge is adopting her (�Komtess, wollen g�tigst verzeihen.�) Once she has left, Giulia writes her letter to Stradella, �Caro mio, mein Herz eilt zu dir,� which she gives to the two Comics, Cortini and Longhini, to deliver to Stradella that evening at the Teatro La Fenice. She exits and in comes Achilles who bribes the two Comics to show him the letter in which Giulia invites Stradella to a rendez-vous after his triumph at the Opera. Achilles and the Comics plot a "Theater Scandal" during Stradella's performance in the trio, �Giulia! Mein Engel!� 

Bild III

1. Intermezzo (In front of the curtain, on the bridge)

The two Comics summarize the plot, including the riot they�ve been bribed to start in just a little while.

2. In the Foyer of the Teatro la Fenice

Achille and the two Comics start a riot in the trio, �Wo sind die Leute?!� But Stradella manages to come on stage anyway. At first a bit resentful and apprehensive, he succeeds in singing his big aria, �Was w�r die Liebe ohne Venedig� as the noise makers quiet down. He is subsequently hailed by the crowd and praised by Raphaella, Giulia and the Doge in the quartet, �Sehnsucht und Lieb�.� At the end of the Tableau, Giulia hands Stradella her glove, in which she has inserted a love note. Raphaella comes back looking for her own glove, and Stradella tells her he recalls her beautiful eyes from the Giudecca. He reveals to her that he has on him the flower she threw him then, as she runs off... 

Bild IV

A Room in the Doge�s Palace

The Doge, gazing at the shimmering sea, muses on the �eyes full of fire� he beheld at the Giudecca, and which he now seems to see everywhere in his Palace, in the aria, �Fliegt Tauben Weit Zum Meer.� Raphaella comes in humming Stradella�s aria. The Doge reveals to her that the scandal during Stradella�s performance was plotted by Achilles out of jealousy. He is proud of Stradella for standing his ground and will throw a party in his honor, in which Raphaella will be the �K�nigin,� the queen. He then reveals to her that he wants her rather than as his daughter, as his lover. In comes Stradella whom the Doge has brought in to give Raphaella a voice lesson.

As the Doge exits, the �voice lesson duet�, �Singet nun, ich m�chte eure Stimme h�ren,� starts with Raphaella singing brilliant coloratura, which completely charms Stradella. He compliments her profusely, and at first a bit doubtful, Raphaella gives into her own feelings for Stradella. Midstream, she starts to doubt again, and the two end up in a shouting match. The Doge comes in asking the reason for the uproar, but Stradella tells him it�s just part of the play they are rehearsing, while Raphaella fears that the Doge has overheard their cooing and will have Stradella killed. The Doge asks Raphaella to sing for him what she just learned, and the Tableau closes on a beautiful end to this stormy love duet.

Kleines Zwischenbild (Prior to Bild V)

Longhini & Cortini in a Gondola in Front of the Screen.

Longhini, dressed as a Monk, is carrying a small package, with Cortini as gondolier. Both are singing. Cortini tries to steal Longhini�s package. Longhini says that he wants to be at the Piazza when the police arrive to arrest Stradella during the Venetian Carnival. Longhini himself alerted them when he learned from Raphaella that she and Stradella wanted to elope. Cortini then suggests warning Countess Giulia as well -- which he thinks would benefit the two of them financially � but Longhini has already taken care of it.

Bild V

The Venetian Carnival

While the chorus predicts a fatal fate, Raphaella and Stradella meet and plan to elope at midnight to get married at the San Maddalena church. Strange Masks are surrounding them. While Raphaella fears that they are the envoys of the Doge, Stradella boldly sings that Orpheus� power and beautiful voice will charm all the powers of the inferno in the aria, �Fern aus den Sphaeren mit magischem Strahl.� While the Masks have all come to a halt and are �frozen,� Raphaella and Stradella take refuge in a nearby tavern, while the two Crooks are busy emptying everyone�s pockets. In comes Achilles in search of Giulia, in the aria, �Giulia, Giulia, Giulia�Achilles rennt von fr�h bis sp�t,� bemoaning the fact that Giulia does not love him despite all his efforts. Come in Cortini and Longhini who mock him a bit. Then, they start whispering words into Achilles� ear, upon which the latter first hands them some money, then furious, draws his sword. He subsequently sings of vengeance against Giulia, the "false serpent,� as well as against Stradella.

In the meantime, the two Comics notice Stradella and Raphaella in the tavern. Giulia arrives, thinking that the Monk who told her to be at the Piazza at 11:00pm sharp is an envoy of Stradella, whom she is eager to see. In the trio, �Der Kapuziner sagte mir,� the two Comics then approach Giulia, promising her that the �Monk� will lead her to Stradella�s nest. In the meantime, Stradella and Raphaella come out of the tavern, and everyone meets face to face. Achille draws his sword, only to run off when Stradella draws his. A big drawl ensues, but all are silenced at the entrance of a Mask. All exit except for Giulia.

The Mask is actually the Doge who has come along with his hitmen to arrest Stradella. Stradella sings his big aria, "Zur Sonne kling� empor", while the chorus is encouraging him. At the end of the Tableau, the two Comics are arrested.

Bild VI

In Front of the Curtain

The Capitano of the Sbirri interrogates the two Comics as to Stradella� whereabouts. They reveal that the latter is at the San Maddalena Church, getting ready to marry Raphaella.

The San Maddalena Church

The Monks are singing backstage, praying to the Madonna for Stradella�s sake (�Dir heilige Madonna�), as the hitmen walk on, masked (�Bis das Brautpaar�.) Stradella and Raphaella are kneeling in front of the altar, praying (�Heil�ge Madonna in Himmelsh�h�n�.) The Capitano of the Sbirri interrupts them, telling Stradella that he has orders from the Doge to have him killed. He apologizes, explaining that �duty is duty.� Stradella responds that he understands, but as his last wish, he asks that the priest performing the wedding be allowed to perform his duty as well. Stradella will accompany the ceremony with his own singing. The Capitano gives his consent. Raphaella and Stradella start to pray together, then Stradella prays the Virgin by himself fervently in the aria, "Hoch aus dem Himmel mit feurigem Strahl," asking for a miracle. The Sbirri start to twitch and feel quite uncomfortable, and they end up kneeling as well, while Raphaella joins Stradella in prayer (�Heilige Himmels K�nigin�) as Celestial Voices are heard praising God. The act ends with the Priest marrying Stradella and Raphaella, as Giulia walks on, screaming in horror. 

Bild VII


Giulia and Achilles end up together, as the chorus reveals that Stradella�s life was saved, and that he was able to marry Raphaella after all. The Doge comes on stage telling the newly weds that all of Venice supports them, why try to flee then? In the trio, �Entschied f�r uns,� Raphaella rejoices that her fairytale, her dream is coming true, swearing eternal love to Venice, while Stradella thanks Venice for making the dream a reality, as the Doge blesses both of them and sets them free, telling Raphaella that he will always love her. A gondola pulls up and Stradella and Raphaella take their leave as the chorus sings Stradella�s first aria, �Zu Sonne kling� empor," ending the opera with "Alles singt� Stradellas Lied, ja singt, ja singt!!!!!!�